Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Sleep 'neath the stars and toil in the sun
El cielo es azul, just don't go tellin' everyone
--Conor Oberst

Fo so many men life seems hopeless, event after event without change It has been described as a rat race, a futile quest for earthly goods, money, love, things.

Those who go from day to day without object find themselves wondering...why?

For them it is hopeless.



But for me it cannot be so.
Can it?

I have a living hope and a future in my God do I not?

Plato makes me wonder and Aristotle shakes my foundations.

Wiser minds than mine have taken on and wrestled these problems like their own personal Goliaths.

I am crushed beneath their weight.

To wonder and to never know seems to be the lot of fallen man.

But has God not given us salvation?

And the knowledge of "things into which angels long to look" (1 Pet 1:12)?

But questions assail me from every side which I cannot answer and with Job I feel as though, "He breaks me down on every side, and I am gone; and he has uprooted my hope like a tree" (Job 19:10) that tree which once flourished beside living waters.
I am afraid and I have doubts, but I know that my God is mighty to save and knoweth all things.
If God is for us who can be against us?
whom shall I fear.

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